Written By: Paco R.
Good afternoon parents, teachers, staff, principals and students, Thank you all for joining us on this special date. My name is Francisco but most of you know me as Paco. Now, this situation was not planned and we weren’t able to have a normal graduation like the years before due to the virus but that doesn't stop us from celebrating! Just kidding it does, but we can always have Zoom meetings!!!(Hated those) But anyways, back to the ceremony, I’ve been part of La Causa for some 5 years and every single year was fabulous, I would always remember STAR testing and Forward exams giving us those great weeks of mental pain and science fair? I don’t have to explain it, But for real I had a lot of fun during this last years, I meet a lot of people and made really good friends, I also learned a lot, yes I learned XD, I also learned a lot of lessons both the good ways and the bad ways. Mr. Rafacz showed me how much I can do if I really put the effort, Ms. Dodd showed me common sense and helped me a lot during 7th and 8th, Ms.Scott showed me how to look at things from different points of view, Mr. Utzat taught me to never give up on a problem and that is okay to fail, you learned from your mistakes, Mrs. James taught me about economy and am sure all her lessons are gonna help me out when I become an adult, Mrs. Hernandez expanded my knowledge on math and made me realize what I want to be when I grow up and that's an engineer. All these teachers showed me something and that was that they care about our education and they would do anything to see us succeed, we really need more teachers like you can I please get a round of applause.
I made a lot of memories in this place like getting the kickball stuck to the ceiling of the gym, getting lost at the zoo, the drop and dance hours in 5th grade. This 5 last years of my life have been the best of them. This school has made me realize what I want to be when I grow up, am gonna become a mechanical engineer. Thanks to everyone and special thanks to my parents cause I wouldn't be in this stage if it wasn't because of all the sacrifices they made for me, thank you to my friends, my squad, thank you to all my teachers for teaching what I know i know today. Thank you La Causa Charter School.
Written By: Tony R.
Hello, I knew I was going to have to do this graduation speech someday but the day came so fast, it feels like I barely started middle school. Well my name is Anthony and I'm 14 and I'm going to Carmen Southeast High School. I had really good times and not so enjoyable moments like when I cut my foot open when I was in taekwondo. La Causa gave me so many good friends that I would never forget. My classroom that today I graduated with is my 2nd family for now and forever.
The memories inside that school are fun to remember and some are just not worth saving. One of the best memories was when Cristian S and me won the science fair in 6th grade. That was one of the most exciting moments because I knew my parents were going to be proud. Another really cool memory was when Cristian, Owen, Edwin H, and me won the 3v3 soccer tournament in the school gym, but the problem was that in the final I felt so bad from my stomach and I couldn't continue in the game so I had to leave. Another fun moment was when we ran our first color run, the whole class came out all colorful after the run. Those were really fun and interesting times.
I had a really good lesson that showed me during this year that when you want something you have to work for it, because nothing is free in this world and you have to learn how to value what you have right now because you never know if you will wake up tomorrow. After 8th grade and high school I look forward to becoming a successful businessman that could retire my dad and not make him work anymore. The one thing that has kept me going through these years has been my family and my goals for the future. If I were to give the graduating class their future, I would always look back and remember the days you struggled so you can stay humble when you reach success. I really want to thank my parents that supported me all through these years, the teachers, my friends, everybody that I met, Thank You!
I am starting a new chapter in my life and this means getting to meet new friends, new teachers, new activities, and new adventures. This is one of my favorite quotes when I ever have to go somewhere new or I am nervous for something that is new, I always repeat this quote,” Trust the wait, Embrace the uncertainty, Enjoy the beauty of becoming, When nothing is certain, anything is possible.” La Causa Charter School, thank you for everything that you have offered me. Thank you………….
Sincerely your fellow Carmen High School freshman, Anthony R
Written By: Jackie R.
Greetings my name is Jacqueline,
It seems like it was yesterday when Ms. Scott was laughing with me and my classmates, and Alejandro being silly as always. Ms. Wichman reading to us amazing books and Ms. Hernandez teaching us about slopes and showing us memes every Friday. Who would've thought that all that would come to an end in a blink of an eye? No more memes every Friday in math class, no more reading books in reading class, no more laughing with Ms.Scott, and no more running or walking down the halls of my school. I learned a valuable lesson through my 8th grade year, that if you give up and don’t keep trying, you won’t ever get to see how far you would’ve gotten. What kept me motivated through my 8th grade year was my mom. Seeing my mom work hard to give me and my brother a better life made me keep trying and not give up, and to one day make her proud. I would like to give a piece of advice to my classmates that helped me out throughout my years at La Causa by Rocky Balboa, “You, me, or nobody is gonna hit hard as life but ain’t about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much you can take and keep moving forward that’s how winning is done.” I’m going to miss all my teachers and friends, but I'm looking forward to attending high school and learn new skills and more about myself. Thank you to all the staff and teachers who helped through our years at La Causa Charter School, Thank you.
Written By: Miguel C.
Good morning: teachers, parents, schoolmates. It is an honor for me to be here in front of you today and to be able to thank each of the teachers for the patience, respect, tolerance, affection, friendship and knowledge imparted because all this together will be the basis of our training to be each of us better individuals. To the moms and dads present our thanks for being, putting up with our changes from child to adolescent and the moods of each one of us. Today culminates 8 years of our first stage of growing up and being left behind laughter, sadness, anger, infatuation and changes in our body. We have developed skills, we realized that we are not better than anyone, we met the true friend the terror of exams, but we also discovered that you always have to be yourself and fight very hard to achieve our goals. My special thanks to the teacher Utzat, his support was always with me.
Written By: Becky D.
My name is Becky, we’ve finally made it here, the end of 8th grade, the end of middle school. It is no doubt that middle school has been a journey. Our journey began in 6th grade when we were introduced into a new territory. 7th grade was a year of discovery, gaining experience, and adapting. And finally 8th grade, the year of realization that we will no longer be middle schoolers and will move on to be high schoolers. The year our journey ends. But we still have another journey waiting ahead of us, high school.
These past years in La Causa have been filled with different emotions. It was filled with different teachers who have helped each and every one of us. Filled with many fond memories. It was also filled with many valuable lessons.
Throughout these years, I've learned that hard work can pay off. The more hard work and effort you put into all your work the more it pays off. I’ve also learned about the importance of failure. As much as it hurts, it is very important and sometimes even necessary. The author J.K Rowling said, “It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.” Failure can shape us and molds us into the person we are now. I wouldn't be able to make it all this way without the help of all my teachers and parents. They have all helped me along the way. They’ve kept me motivated throughout all these years. I want to thank them for helping me and supporting me all these years. I wouldn't have done it without their help. I found this quote written by Joseph B. Wirthlin that says, “Sometimes we make the process more complicated than we need to. We will never make a journey of a thousand miles by fretting about how long it will take or how hard it will be. We make the journey by taking each day step by step and then repeating it again and again until we reach our destination.” I believe we have reached our destination. We have taken each day step by step and repeated it again and again. Now that this journey has ended, we now have another journey yet to come, high school.
Written By: Jose L.
Hola! Me llamo Jose, Para todos mis compañeros que me conocen por unos de los chicos que es un poco alto que se ponían en puntitas cuando me pasaban en la fila por ninguna razón. Estoy aquí para decirles lo orgulloso que estoy de todos ustedes, yo a conocido un montón de ustedes desde K4 o K5, donde todavía estábamos aprendiendo a decir L M N O P en lugar de ella mella pee y tomando siestas a mitad de clase, que serán extrañado por todos nosotros. Sabiendo que no voy a ver algunos de ustedes me trae una emoción agridulce, porque yo sé que un montón de ustedes van a tener éxito en lo que les traiga el futuro, ¿pero viéndolos ir después de crecer juntos por 3 a 8 años me tendría llorando si no fuera tan macho tú sabes? Aunque muchos de nuestros compañeros se han ido, yo sé que estarían bien feliz por ustedes como yo, no importa para cual escuela vayan, lo que importa es sus esfuerzos en la escuela, y yo sé que si ponen ese esfuerzo en sus tareas que van llegar a los lugares de sus sueños. Muchos de ustedes lucharon para llegar a este punto y otros no, pero eso no cambia el hecho que todavía trabajaron a un punto para llegar aquí. Nosotros hemos soñado de este día, y yo sé que no llegó como pensábamos que iba a ir, pero lo que importa es que estamos juntos este día para celebrar todas las horas que dedicamos en la escuela. Con terminando el grado 8 vendrá un nuevo desafío, escuela secundaria. Cuando pasamos por las puertas de nuestra nueva aventura quiero que se estén en pie y poner todo tu esfuerzo, ¡si no más! en llegando más parlante, si no los quieres hacer por ustedes mismo, arlo por sus padres, que se los merecen verte caminar en ese escenario y coger ese certificado.
Y hay algo más que no se les puede olvidar, es algo que yo aprendido durante los años, aprende a valorar los demás, no podemos hacer todo solos.
To my teachers, you don't understand how unbelievably grateful I am for you guys, I could sit here and name every single one of you guys from K5 to today if you asked me to if it wouldn’t make this speech even longer than it is. I’d like to thank my teachers for all the years of education you gave to me even if I was absent for 70 percent of it...But thanks to you guys I didn’t fall behind even still, you guys will find a way to tease me about my shortcomings in my attendance, although I hate to admit it, but I'll miss it a lot. A handful of you guys made very gloomy days so much better, and I appreciate the passion you guys show to teach us even if we’re not all very correspondent to all those lessons, you guys battled with your own personal issues while still keeping a straight face, standing tall and teaching us for 7 hours a day. I know every parent appreciates you guys as much as us students do. I cannot fathom how much I will miss you guys, I'll miss Ms. Wichman’s willingness to never shout at us despite how much we would interrupt, Ms. Hernandez sharing memes her husband sent her, Ms. Scott’s dorky personality that makes her class twice as fun. I’ll miss our gym and P.E teachers Ms. Soto and Mr. Alonso. Ms. Soto was such a fun p.E teacher and we always enjoyed when she would share stories about Camilla and call us out in the funniest ways like when the boys would drown ourselves in axe body spray and still not smell any different. Mr Alonso saying his signature phrases during gym class like, “golasoooo”, “walking and talking!” Or my favorite “Shoot it kapoot it”. I’ll also miss Ms. Dodd always being on our back to do well in seventh grade 24/7 to get into a good High School and how supportive she was of my hobby of drawing and how willing she was to understand everyone's circumstances, and Mr. Rafacz’s 300 IQ that made it super hard to keep up with him during math class and a certain time when I was very hard on myself over my performance he comforted me in his own way, and although we didn’t have a specific reading teacher in 7th grade since it kept switching like the weather in Milwaukee, we appreciate Mr. Casper for sticking with us till the end, you three made 7th grade one of my favorite years! 6th grade would be a close second, 6th grade was when I met the coolest teachers ever, Ms. Scott and Ms. Ruiz, we were sad that Ms. Ruiz couldn’t follow us into 7th grade but we know that she would support us all the way through even if she wasn’t there because she's like that, you made 6th grade such an experience, she allowed us to express ourselves in writing no matter how strange the story may be and it always resulted in a good laugh and overall she was one of the coolest teachers to talk to when we’d be having a tough time in our lives and we’re very appreciative of that. This goes for every teacher I’ve had and even if they're not here I'd like to thank them from the bottom of my heart, this wouldn’t be possible without their guidance.
Con eso dicho, los voy a extrañar a todos, y felicidades amigos, ¡nosotros nos merecemos un gran aplauso!
Becky's Graduation Speech
Tony's Graduation Speech
I would like to start by thanking all the incredible staff for the tremendous amount of help that I have received during my time at La Causa Charter School. Wow! I can't believe that I'm going to be in highschool already. Time flies, I always used to think that time went by slowly, but now that I am towards the end of my middle school years, I look back and think of all the things that I am taking with me and grateful for. Some good times, great experiences, and many lessons that I will be taking with me on this new journey. I will miss middle school for sure, but I am ready to face all the new challenges that this new step may bring. I say, bring it on!
Welcome to La Causa Charter School. My name is Alexis. The best memories I have in La Causa was when I said to myself that I would never give up and take my grade at the top to make my family proud. Other memories I have are when I did my duty hours with Mr. Utzat in the lobby and we were having fun selling food to the teachers and they could start their morning for their parent meetings. Other memories were when I showed up with my best friend's father it was difficult, I did it because meeting my friend was like meeting a rapper that day was special, we had a party and it was great. The lessons I learned from La Causa was to keep going and continue to the end of your dream. Never give up and never tire of following your dream, you have it. What I learned from La Causa is that you have to believe in yourself and continue to achieve it. I really want to finish high school with a 3.5 or 4.0 because I really want to be a successful person in real life. After high school, I want to go straight to university because I want to finish my university too, I want to get my master or doctor because I want to be a successful person, I like to always say it from the beginning and I also want to have a great life never give up. I stay motivated by watching videos, so I strive to get my grade and make my family proud of me as always. My middle-class partner always a tip, I would like all my classmates to have a great life and always achieve their dreams. I know that some days it can be difficult and others not, but I know that it is always a great and true life. It has been 4 years of being together with you, thanks for being part of my family, but it doesn't matter, thanks for welcoming me back to the seventh grade and thanks for being in my life. I hope everyone has a great and good life. Also, everyone did a great job finishing 8th grade even with difficulty, I hope you finish high school and college with the best of you and the best for your heart and body. Thanks, I will miss Dodd, Rafacz, Ms Scott, Ms Wichman and also the parents, my uncle and my aunt for telling me to continue my goal and never give up. Also, I want to thank my grandmother who died last year, she told me that I would never give up, I love her and she was the best grandmother I had, I love her very much grandmother and I miss you very much too. Thank you, the cause, for teaching me how to be a successful person and continue my journey. I hope the best for this school to be humble and successful. Thank you for all the cause. God bless you all. goodbye
We're done, we did it. We graduated. Now allow me to introduce myself, my name is Angel, and I am one of the many 8th grade students graduating today. A memory I have of this place was from the beginning of this school year, I was very excited to see that I was in the same class as all my friends. A valuable lesson I learned was to keep your tab pinned on a computer when you are playing games and don't want to get caught. I don’t know what to look forward to after middle school, or even high school! I don't know what will happen in the future, all I know is that I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. My motivation throughout school was that there was no school on the weekends, those were the two days I looked forward to every week. They allowed me to unwind and forget what happened the previous week and focus on the next week. Advice I have for the class and this class too, is to not skip Phantom Blood, if you wanna watch JoJo start from part 1! That way you won't be confused about the story line. Anyway, I’d like to thank my teachers for teaching us, my friends for - you know why! And my classmates for being really lit and coming in clutch when I need help. That is all, Thank you!
Hi my name is Cristian and I am a proud student of La Causa Charter School. I have been in this school since 1st grade and learned and experienced a lot here. But I leave this school proud and with a lot of memories with friends, teachers and memories in itself. I have learned a lot about life here and a lot of lessons learned throughout all the years of being a student in La Causa. But life continues and I look forward to making new friends, being in another school and over all new experiences. My motivation always has been my family and the future, I say the future because if God lets me I want to have a family and be able to be a professional soccer player. My piece of advice to the next graduating class is to work hard and know that better things are coming. I did all this thanks to myself, family and friends and they helped me a lot throughout all these years in La Causa.
Hi my name is Giovanni and a valuable lesson that i have learned during my time at La Causa is to “never give up” because, there were days where I didn't feel like getting up from my bed but I did because I wanted to go to school, learn new things, and study interesting topics to get a good education. Something I am looking forward to after 8th grade is to go to high school and face the challenges that are waiting for me there. The things that motivated me to keep on going are my friends that were always there for me and all the teachers who helped me when I needed it. A piece of advice to my graduating class is to never give up to achieve what they want in life. I would like to thank my parents for always pushing me to do my best and for always caring about my education. Also I would like to thank my 3 8th grade teachers for being here on my last year at La Causa and enjoying it with everyone.
Buenas tardes a todos los que vinieron a ver la graduación de octavo grado de este año, quiero agradecer a todas las personas que me apoyaron durante estos largos años de escuela intermedia. Los recuerdos que hemos tenido en esta escuela como estudiantes se conservarán en los próximos años. Mi experiencia como estudiante de escuela intermedia fue muy difícil. Tan difícil que a veces no podía completar mi tarea a tiempo. Pero eso solo se debe a que no hice mi mejor esfuerzo como estudiante, pero si quería graduarme tenía que estudiar como el resto de mi clase. La palabra procrastinator significa posponer algo. Fui un gran postergador en lo que respecta a la tarea, pero estudié para poder compensar la tarea que no hice en los años siguientes. Haré todo lo posible para salir adelante.
Hello class of 2020. My name is Jessica. I would like to thank everyone who’s been in this school with me from the beginning. I know all of you had your ups down downs. Whether that's with your friends, school, grades, but you still made it. I am proud of each and every single one of you. I know I share a lot of fond memories with some of you and I promise I won’t forget. A valuable lesson I learned throughout this whole school year is that you always have to move on, because that’s part of growing up. You will find out who you want to be and who you don’t want to be. What I’m looking forward to right now is learning new things so I can have self growth. I am also looking forward to finishing high school and getting into a good college like my sister. My family has always motivated me to go this far. Before, I didn’t know what I wanted to be. My dad has inspired me to be an engineer because it’s what he wanted to be ever since he was a kid. I never took interest in it until I learned about it. My mom has inspired me to be who I am. She always gave me talks about who I should be and who I want to be. She always supported me no matter what and always pushed me to my limit. I would also like to thank my teachers who have and had to deal with me and the other students. I know some of us can be quite stressful but the fact that you guys still dealt with it is quite amazing. Some teachers always helped me whenever I was struggling and I thank you for that. I appreciate every single one of you and that’s for every teacher. I know some teachers have hope in me of having a good future and I promise you that I will reach my goal. So thank you for all your hard work. A piece of advice I would give to all of you is to keep moving forward, no matter what. You always have to rise to the top before it’s too late.
Dear Ms. Scott, Ms. Wichman, Mrs. Hernandez, Ms. Mazaba, and Ms. Carolina,
I'm so happy to graduate but I'm scared and a little nervous about high school. I don't know how it's going to be there, so thanks to all my teachers. The notes and kind words helped give me a sense of hope sometimes. I give you a hard time but you put up with me. Sometimes I get stuck on work and I shut down and I can't do it, but with you I can do it. You always make me laugh and feel less stressed out. I appreciate your help. Thank you teachers, you are awesome.
John S.
Hello, and good evening, graduates of La Causa 2020. It is a pleasure to be with you all in this very important time in our lives. We did it, we survived middle school. As tough as it was, each and every single one of you here tried your best to succeed, and make it this far. Your excellence will utmost strive in high school, and in college. I can only hope to see you guys succeed in high school. Thank you.
Welcome family, friends, and staff members of La Causa Charter School; my name is Katherine and I have been attending LCCS since I was four years old. I’ll never forget the first day my parents took me to La Causa daycare I promised I wouldn’t cry the first day of school and so I didn’t, I cried the third day of school. Ever since then I’ve met some of my closest friends and now I will be saying goodbye to them. My biggest motivation to keep going has always been my parents. My parents came from Mexico all the way here to give me and my brother a better life and now that I see my brother succeeding, I’ll be following the same steps as him. I remember every time I would pass a grade I would tell my mom "5 more years till I graduate, 2 more years till I graduate" but as we all see it we didn’t get to graduate the right way, yet our teachers and principals have made an effort to try to make a somewhat graduation for all of us. We’re all proud to be class of 2024. We weren’t able to take our trip to DC, we didn’t get our graduation party, and of course, we didn’t get graduation but we’ve made amazing memories in LCCS. Even though we disliked it sometimes, it was our second home. Some of us spent a long time here. It’s been an amazing journey, we all made amazing friends, we all had our friend groups, and we all had fun. I remember the time we went downtown, we walked around downtown for a while with our friends it was so much fun. We would have the school dances, we would go on field trips together, the times we got to stay after school to do service hours when we had a “school rule boot camp,” all these memories will forever be kept with us. Even if we all lose touch, we’ve had a great time being classmates and that’s all that matters. who would’ve thought that March 13 was the last time I got to see some of you and I think that’s the saddest part of all of it, but again everything happens for a reason. We’re all looking forward to many things after 8th grade like meeting new people, learning new things, making new memories. I wish you all well. I wish all your dreams come true, I wish you all do great things in life. We all have goals and we all have dreams. Life is about growing and we’re getting an opportunity to grow as students. I would like to thank my family, all of my 8th grade teachers, and my fellow classmates for making my 10 years at LCCS amazing. I will miss all of you however I look forward to hearing about your success. Thank you.
I know there are at least 3 Luis’ in our grade, but there is only one Luis G. and none can have the same experiences as I had attending La Causa. One of the earliest memories I have is when I was 4 years old coming to La Causa Daycare playing with my brother and their toys and Ms. K letting us know that it was time to eat. When I first started there, I was a little nervous, but having my brother Gabriel with me made me feel a little better. Little did I know this school would be something that would shape me into the person I am today. I’ll admit I wasn’t the easiest student that attended here, as a matter of fact, I had trouble growing here. It was hard, being me and having the pressure of being looked at as if I was a “normal” student. I mean socially I was good with the number of friends I have made, and they’re the coolest, but educationally I was struggling, but with the right support system I was able to complete my time at La Causa and finish my education at a great school.
I want to say thank you to the teachers, my peers, and the administration for giving me the time and day to help me get an education that I needed. All of my teachers that I had they always understand what I meant and my peers were always there when I needed help with reading, math, and writing but most importantly, with my anger so I want to thank you dearly.
Hello friends, family, and fellow classmates. My name is Nate. I've been coming to La Causa Charter School for about nine years and let me tell you it's been a roller coaster. I’ve made memories here that are going to last a lifetime. But I have also learned valuable lessons like how to do taxes and how to become a good man or person. I’m looking forward to high school and to seeing my friends and I really grow up. My family has motivated me so much it is unbelievable. One piece of advice I want to give you guys is to never give up and follow your dreams. Don’t let anybody tell you that you can’t fulfill your dreams. And I wanted to give 3 special shoutouts to Ms. Barbee, to Mr. Rafacz, and to Ms. Dodd. You guys really changed me into a better person and you guys really helped me when I was in a tough situation. So i just wanted to say thank you really much. But thank you to the whole staff you guys have done an amazing job, all of you guys. And like the late great Kobe Bryant said, “Mamba out.”
My name is Nimsi, I’m thirteen years old soon to be fourteen. I was born in August 20, 2006. I live with my parents and two younger siblings. I’m actually the oldest sibling. I like to do a lot of things. For example, I like to box, paint, learn new things, and much more. I sometimes wonder how my future would look like. Who am I going to be? Where am I going to be? How am I going to get there? As a thirteen-year old I get excited to know about my future. Sometimes I also get sad because I will be moving on from my childhood and probably won’t see some people I’ve met.
Some memories I have made in the school are when I first started in fourth grade. I’ve met new people and made new friends. Though with the people I've made friends at first are now no longer my friends it was good making memories with them. I remember the happy memories when we went to the playground and goofed around. Sometimes playing around the class. Years passed and I became friends with the people I am with now. The first-time we decided to do a group project back in 6th grade which was really awkward though we became closer and now we are inseparable. We always make different memories and sometimes I think if we are still going to be close with each other in the future. As I see the past, I see how much everyone in my classroom has changed. I can’t choose a favorite memory since there’s too many to choose from. But one memory that I can remember is when it was the last day of 6th grade and we were playing a lot of games. We were laughing a lot and we also ate delicious food.
I learned a lot of stuff through the years. Though I easily forget I always safe my notes. I also learn about life lessons. Sometimes learning about something new could be hard. Every time I learn about something new, I try to put all my focus to it. I wonder how much I'm going to learn in the future. Though I know I'm going to have a hard time I shouldn’t give up. At school they’ve thought me how life is. How the world is outside. How we learn from our mistakes. At first math wasn’t one of my favorite subjects. Through the years it became one of my most favorite subjects. Reading books was my least favorite thing to do and now I love reading books. Social studies were always one of my favorite subjects. I like to learn about the past and how people lived back then. School in general wasn’t my favorite thing back then but now I learned how to like it.
After 8th grade I look forward to a lot of things. I look forward to meeting new people. I’m scare to meet new people since I don’t know what type of people I will encounter. I look forward to how I'm going to be like. Who are the people I'm going to trust? Where am I going to be? I have a lot of questions but in the future, I will know the answers. I'm scare to see how my future would be like. I know there would be hard times but I will get through them. In high school I would like to think about my future. What am I going to do after I finish high school? Am I going to major in Forensic Pathologist? Or am I going to major in something else? After high school I wish to go to college and study Forensic Pathologist. I also would like to study a lot of other things like Attorney Prosecutor, Criminology, Psychology, and Physician. In the future I want to be a successful person.
My parents are the ones that keep me motivated. They didn’t grow up in good places. They came here for a better future. And they never finished school. Though right now we are living well I want to give them much more in the future. I want to study and get a good job that pays me well so I can give them things they never had. My parents always tell me to study and do well so I won’t end up like them. So, I try a lot to make them proud and leave them a smile on their faces. A lot of other things have motivated me too. Some idols I look up to have also motivated me. No matter how hard it is I have to keep chasing my dreams. Even though they go through a lot to become singers they still want to become singers. It's like saying there's a lot of obstacles but you will get through.
Watching my classmates, I wonder how their lives will be. Some already have done mistakes, others are trying to make themselves better. I hope they have successful life's and become someone good. It's okay to make mistakes. You can always change it's never too late. I wish them a great future and hopefully we could meet each other again in the future. I hope they remember they can become someone important to this world.
I want to thank everyone who has helped me through the years. I'm grateful for everyone. Thank you all for dealing with me even though I may be hard to deal with at times. Thank you to all the teachers I had throughout the years. My family for supporting my dreams and trying to help me with work. My friends who have been with me since we were little or the ones that are with me now. Everyone who I have met in my life thank you all for making memories with me and helping me.
“I always see people I admire and think “if they can do it, I can too,” and it makes me try harder. I’d like people to see me and not give up in their endeavors.”-CL